Gobi Desert is located in the Central Asian region, exactly in the regions of China and Mongolia, the desert is the fifth largest in the world. Gobi (Chinese language called gebi) to shape the landscape of Central Asian deserts, rocks and debris. Sand in Chinese, is called "Shamo", which is why in some cases these names are used for desert areas. Gobi desert region in China known as "han-hai" which means dry lake.
Gobi Desert stretches from west to east more than 2000 kilometers in length. The total area approximately 1 million kilometers with average altitude of about 1000 m. Gobi Desert is not entirely desert, but rather consists of desert and desert. Only three percent of the area is typical of the dune area, known in Mongolia as, "Els". In the Gobi Desert comprises the bulk of the area covered with stones, and in the desert there is always a lake, including the salt lakes.
Bejschan or Beishan is a mountain located in the desert, because it is sometimes classified as a mountain. The location is between the Gobi desert in the East and the Tarim Basin in the West. Bejschan classified as a separate desert, because there are several species of animals and plants, and thus is a unique ecosystem. In addition to the geological structure of his own, he is confined to the area south of the Nan Shan Mountains in the north and bordered by Mongolia in the east by the River which flows Etsin Goal Alxa area. Alashan is Alxa or in the desert Southwest of the Gobi Desert, and in China under the name Desert Tenggeli (Tenggeli Shamo). Alxa sand hill has a height up to 520 m and thus the highest sand dunes on earth.
Gobi Desert climate is continental climate, which he has an extreme temperature is very low in winter and very hot in summer panass. Because of the lack of water and little vegetation, the Gobi Desert the temperature difference between day and night throughout the year vary widely. During the months of winter there are days where there are temperatures that reach up to minus sixty five degrees Celsius (-65 ° C).
Season on the prairie southeast of the Gobi Desert, is the region with 30-200 mm rainfall per year is marked by droughts. In winter is also very dry.
In the Gobi Desert and the surrounding area in many species, including wolves, the deer, gerbils, and possum prairie. There are also several snow leopard.
In the Gobi Desert has many important fossils, including fossil, found in different geological era. Most found the dinosaur eggs and nests.
Gobi Desert is also known in history as part of the Mongol Empire. In addition, some commercial cities of the Silk Road is important yitu located at the southern end of the Gobi Desert.
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