Red Fruit or Pandanus fruit conoideus grow naturally in Jayawijaya Mountains, Nabire, Monokwari, Timika and Jayapura in Papua province and in northern Maluku Province, Republic of Indonesia.
Before the year 2000 the few people outside Papua, Indonesia who know Pandanus conoideus Red Fruit. The fruit is popular after research has shown it can cope with a dangerous disease / death, such as HIV / AIDS, Breast Cancer, Hepatitis B and others. These facts also prove that the plant could pandanus fruit. Red fruit is indeed one of the family members of plant Pandananaceae
Papuan people familiar with Red Fruit's most lots in consumption and the most efficacious with a long red name or the name of the region called Sait, Mongka Menyeri or Barkum. Red fruits of this type of large size compared with most other types. Its length reaches 102 cm, 20 cm diameter, circumference of fruit from 35 to 40 cm and weighs 4 - 7.5 kg. The young fruit is red brick, after mature into bright red color. Ripe fruits indicated the existence of some seeds that regardless of sinkarp. Fruit wrapped in protective leaf-shaped lengthwise. The main veins along the barbed on 8 / 10 part of the tip.
In Papua Red Fruit plants propagated from the chicks. The success rate reaches almost 100%. In the third year the plants are fruiting red fruit. Optimum fruit production is achieved at age 10 - 15 years, with the number of pieces from 4 to 5 fruits per tree. Red fruit harvest in as much as 2 times a year ie in June / July and in November / December. However in Papua, red fruit is available throughout the year because every region there were different harvest intervals 1 - 2 weeks. The higher the growth of red fruit, the longer the period of fruit maturation.
Red fruit length is only one variety of Pandanus conoideus in Papua. There are no more 24 kinds of red fruit, which is widespread in Papua, especially in the area of secondary forest in moist soil conditions. Most widely encountered in the Mountains in Arfak and Puncak Jaya area in Papua Province.
Pandanus Pandanus relatives conoideus is the most prominent health benefits. Empirical experience ancestors proved, red fruit have adequate nutrients. The proof if starving in the forest, the community in the mountains of Papua red fruit picking and eating the seeds to maintain stamina.
From the chemical analysis conducted by Drs. I Made Budi, MS. Red Fruit contains a complete nutritional composition. He has active substances such as betakarotin, tocopherol and some essential fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals such as complete enough calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C and nialin.
Betakarotin and tokoperol known as a powerful antioxidant compounds that prevent the disease. Betakarotin also known to slow the ongoing functioning of artery buildup fleck so good blood flow to the heart and brain can take place smoothly without a hitch. While tocopherol functions deadly attack and neutralize free radicals in blood cholesterol.
Papuan people know that the Red Fruit berhasiat. Pandanus fruit is believed to be also very good to keep to keep a clear eye, skin smoothing, overcome stomach pain or treat scratches or cut.
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